Sunday, 26 March 2023

The Goals of the Climate Action Committee

NOTE: Below is a summary of the CEEP document. Check the township website for the full document.

In general, the committee is working towards helping the township of Billings, the municipality and to a lesser extent the general public, adjust their activities to reduce their Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and prepare for the changes that climate change will bring.

This approach is best seen through our Terms of Reference (updated version link) and the Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP) that is our overall plan for years leading to 2030. 

Summary: The Community Energy and Emissions Plan (CEEP)

The CEEP is a lengthy document created jointly with the assistance of this committee, township staff, consultation with community members, and specialized Climate Change Coordinators.  It's general mission statement is found on page 3:

"To create a resilient and Net-Zero community by 2050 and set a pathway for 50% energy and GHG emission reductions by 2030 that:

  • Enhances Health and well being of community members
  • Preserves and enhances local biodiversity and natural systems
  • Builds community through inclusion
  • Fosters a prosperous and sustainable local economy
  • Promotes innovation and growth."

The document then includes about 30 actions in which the township plans to take to achieve this mission, dividing them up into four overall categories. These are listed below with their specific mission goal, and a sample action from each section:
  1. Shared Natural Spaces: Minimize impacts of climate change on community by taking action to protect, restore, and enhance natural systems. Protect people and property from natural hazards and promote sustainability best practices in the local agricultural, forestry and tourism sectors.
    • E.g.: support water protection initiatives (N2O3)
  2. Buildings: Reduce by 50%, below 2018 levels, by 2030 - actions will increase efficiency and the adoption of renewable energy and low carbon technologies and build climate resilience
    • E.g.: conduct energy auditing, grant/incentive application support, education and financing programs (BӨ1)
  3. Transportation: Reduce by 50% below 2018 levels by 2030 - actions reduce vehicle trips, promote active and public transportation, and accelerate low carbon/GHG transportation options
    • E.g.: Work with local government partners to expand low and zero emission vehicle uptake and charging networks (TӨ1)
  4. Waste Reduction: Reduce by 50% below 2018 levels by 2030 - reduce overall consumption by promoting circular economy concepts and increase waste diversion through recycling rate increases and home composting program.
    • E.g.: Integrate leachate and methane gas collection systems into Kagawong sequential fill design (WO1)
Each of these 4 categories contains its own actions and overall goals, combining towards the general missions statement of reducing our GHG emissions, and preparing the future challenges that climate change will bring. The CEEP is certainly worth a read, especially the action items, which provide specific goals for the CAC committee to work towards.

2023 Workplan for the CAC

The committee has chosen many of the action items from the CEEP as priorities to start working on for the coming year. Here's a quick list of those priorities as recently established in our meetings:
(NOTE: the codes at start each line refer back to specific actions in the CEEP document.)
  • N1Ө1: Promote, educate and incentivize the adoption of climate friendly practices in the agricultural, forestry and sustainable tourism sectors. 
  • N1O2: Create the municipal organizational structures to support N1Ө1 & N1Ө2. N1Ө2 refers to encouraging ecological friendly practices within local industries.
  • N3O1: Create a natural asset management inventory and management plan.
  • N3Ө2: Increase tree cover and protection in the township.
  • MB1O: Develop plans and strategies for the township to track energy usage and improve efficiency.
  • MB5O: Encourage better design and build so the full life cycle of new buildings help prepare for net-zero.
  • BӨ1: Conduct energy auditing, grant incentive application supports for local groups.
  • WӨ1: Re-institute an in-home composting program.
  • WӨ3: Create circular economy opportunities for local residents.
Some of these are items that we hope to get started in 2023, but will be ongoing projects for years. Some we hope to start and finish to various degrees in the next 12 months.  If you have any ideas/opinions relating to any of these action items, certainly reach out to any member of the committee or the township in general. Further details are available in the CEEP as well of course.

Now, let's get started! Earth Day is next month!

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